For more information about our Youth Ministry and Events, contact Angela Young, Youth Ministry Coordinator.

Upcoming Youth Events

(Middle & High School)

Mark your calendars for fun community time with other youth.  We have some great themes planned that consist of activities, bible study, food, friendship, and fun!  All events are held at Peace Church unless otherwise specified.  Youth are encouraged to invite friends to all our events.  


Calendar at a Glance

03/23 - LazerX Laser Tag (offsite)

04/13 - Last Days of Jesus

04/27 - Shhhhhh!

05/18 - End of Year Party


**All Youth events are from 3 PM to 5 PM unless noted otherwise.




For more information, contact Angela Young, Youth Ministry Coordinator. 


Youth Group Outing - Laser Tag

Come join us for pizza and laser tag on Sunday, March 23 from 3 to 5 PM.  Drop off and pick up will be at LazerX Laser Tag in Addison. 

You will need a permission slip to participate. Contact Angela Young for a permission slip and any other questions you have.  Feel free to invite friends! Please RSVP by 3/16/25.

Hope to see you there!







(6th, 7th, & 8th Grade)

Confirmation is held every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM (September - April) in Room 303.  Confirmation classes have begun.  You may register your middle school youth anytime to participate in confirmation, please contact Pastor Marty Hufford or Angela Young for more information


For new and returning Confirmation students:


Please use the link below to register for this year's class.


Register online here.