Sunday Worship Schedule:
Children's Church is available for Preschool through Grade 5 at both of our worship services at 8:15 & 10:45 AM from September to May.
Children's Church is currently on summer break; however, there is always something for kids at Peace. At each of our services, we invite children to come up for a children's message tailor-made just for them. Activity bags are also available at the back of the sanctuary. Children are always welcome in our worship services!
Children will begin worshiping with their families in the sanctuary and then be invited to join Children's Church during the service after opening worship. Parents may pick up their children after the worship service in Room 305. Registration is required for children attending Children's Church.
For more information or to register your child(ren), click here.
Sunday Adult Bible Study
Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM for our Adult Bible study. Come early for coffee, donuts, and fellowship.
September 8 - October 13 - "The After Party"
This six-week course led by Pastor Marty Hufford will look at Christian engagement in politics and ask the question: "Is there a better way?" Tired of the name calling, the toxic online environment, and the general tone of American politics? Come and learn a Christ-centered way to engage with the issues of the day.
For more information, contact Katherine Richards.