Our women's ministry is committed to helping women to grow spiritually through opportunities that will teach, encourage, equip, and reach out to serve. There are a variety of opportunities for Bible study, spiritual renewal, and serving in our local and global communities. For more information on what is available and how to participate, please contact Katherine Richards.
Hearts to Jesus, Hands to Serve -
Serving Retreat
Fill up and overflow! Join us on Saturday, September 28 for a special time with Sisters-in-Christ as we connect with our Savior and then show His love by serving others. We will dig into Romans 12 as we consider:
Our time together will include worship, fellowship, teaching from Scripture, and several service projects that impact women locally and globally.
Click here for more information on how to register.
For more information, contact Katherine Richards.
Women's Evening Bible Study (WEBS) is offered both in-person at Peace and via Zoom each Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 PM (September - May).
All women are welcome!
The Women's Evening Bible Study (WEBS) group will have their first in-person meeting on Tuesday, September 17 in the Great Room. Our study is called Golden Fruit where we will discover ways to live out the fruit of the Spirit in the best times of our lives.
ZOOM live-stream is available for those who are not able to attend in-person but would still ilke to participate..
JoyBreak is a weekly Bible study for women of all ages! We meet each Wednesday morning from 9:30 to 10:45 AM to study God's Word together. JoyBreak is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other women no matter what season of life you are in.
Our Fall session begins Wednesday, September 18
Our Fall study, Luke in the Land, is written by Kristi McLelland. We will follow her travels through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. Our study will challenge the way we read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus. Along the way, you'll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everybody.
here is always great discussion, too! Friends and drop-ins are always welcome!
For more information, contact Katherine Richards
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League provides women the opportunity to grow spiritually and be equipped to serve in a variety of mission work within Peace and the larger Lutheran Church. LWML works alongside other ministry teams here at Peace to provide support for service projects, community activities, and family-focused events.
LWML meetings and events are open to all women in Christ who have a heart for missions and for service to one another and the world.
Some of our Peace women will be attending the upcoming district convention. There is information listed below about it and how to register. If you would like to attend, please let us know so we can meet up with you and all of us can sit together.
Saturday, September 21 - 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
77th Annual LWML NID Convention @ Trinity Lutheran Church - Tinley Park, IL
(Friday evening worship is offered at 7 PM)
Click here for more information.
Upcoming LWML Events