Sunday Worship Schedule:
Join us for Ash Wednesday Worship on March 5, 2025 at 11 AM and 7 PM.
Pastor Marty Hufford will begin his mid-week Lenten sermon series called "The Hands of Jesus." Our choir will open our worship and communion will be served at this service. Ashes will be distributed before our worship service - so come early.
Join us before worship at 6 PM for a Lenten Dinner in the Great Room. Each Wednesday before our Lenten Worship, we will host dinner in the Great Room at 6 PM. Our first Lenten dinner will be hosted by our staff. Menu: Tacos, Spanish Rice, Salad, & Dessert. Bring the family and invite your friends.
Sunday Adult Bible Study
Join us for Adult Bible Study each Sunday from 9:30 to 10:30 AM.
"Come Away for A While" is a new Sunday morning Bible study led by Pastor Marty Hufford during the month of February.
This study will take a look at times when God pulls us out of our daily routines for an extended period. He might do this because we need a rest, or to prepare us for a new calling, or even – out of love - to discipline us.
Join us as we look at Elijah, Jonah, Manasseh, Moses and Jesus as God presses the pause button on their normal daily lives so that they can have an special and intimate time with him.
Following in March, our teaching team will walk us throuogh a study by Max Lucado called "In the Savior's Footsteps."
Enjoy coffee, donuts, and fellowship before class begins. Everyone is invited!
Children's Church is available for Preschool through Grade 5 at both of our worship services at 8:15 & 10:45 AM from September to May.
Children will begin worshiping with their families in the sanctuary and then be invited to join Children's Church during the service after opening worship. Parents may pick up their children after the worship service in Room 305. Registration is required for children attending Children's Church.
For more information or to register your child(ren), click here.