Peace values the privacy of the personal information of all our members and those who participate in our events and worship.
We will not sell, share, or trade our donors' names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings on behalf of other organizations.
This policy applies to all informaiton received by Peace Lutheran Church, Authorize.Net, both online and offline, or any Platform ("Platform", includes Authorize.net website and moblie applications), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications.
To the extent any contributions and donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors' information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.
A charitable contribution (undesignated) will not be returned to the donor. To refund the gift would be contrary to the basic definition of a charitable contribution and could have possible tax implications to the donor and potentially cause a liability to the church.
Refunds on a designated contribution will be handled in the following manner:
• Mission Trip Designation – Gifts designated for individuals to cover mission trip expenses are considered tax deductible as long as the donor has the understanding that the designation is a suggestion and the gift is ultimately under the control of the church to use as it deems necessary. Donors need to understand when they designate a gift for a specific individual, any funds given above and beyond what is needed for that individual will be used as the church deems necessary to further its mission and purpose. Therefore, no refunds will be given. This holds true if the donor is the person going on the mission trip. Although the gift was designated, refunding it may cause conflicts between those who gave and also goes against the very definition of a charitable contribution.
• Designated gifts for a fund or special project – Every reasonable effort will be made to use the designated gift for the purpose in which it was designated. However, if the fund or special project no longer exists, the church will make every reasonable effort to contact the donors of such gifts. The purpose of this is to give the donor the option of re-designating the gift to a different fund (or to the general fund) or refunding it. The donor needs to be aware of the possible need to file an amended tax return if the gift is refunded and the deduction was claimed in a previous year. Obviously, this procedure is only appropriate for those donors who can be identified. For donations that cannot be identified, the elders and administrative team will decide how to use the funds.