Join us for Adult Bible Study each Sunday from 9:30 to 10:30 AM.  "Come Away for A While"  is a new Sunday morning Bible study led by Pastor Marty Hufford during the month of February.

This study will take a look at times when God pulls us out of our daily routines for an extended period. He might do this because we need a rest, or to prepare us for a new calling, or even – out of love - to discipline us. 

Join us as we look at Elijah, Jonah, Manasseh, Moses and Jesus as God presses the pause button on their normal daily lives so that they can have an special and intimate time with him.


Following in  March, our teaching team will walk us throuogh a study by Max Lucado called "In the Savior's Footsteps.


Enjoy coffee, donuts, and fellowship before class begins. Everyone is invited!


Whether you are looking for a Bible study, casual gathering with friends, or a committed small group, our adult ministry provides opportunities for adults to share their faith walk with others. No matter what phase of life you might be in - finishing up college, developing a career, starting and raising a family, experiencing what it means to be an empty-nester, retiring... all of these events are more meaningful and joyful when we share them together.  For more information on how to connect with a small group at Peace, contact Katherine Richards, Director of Family & Outreach Ministries.


These self-directed video studies are available at anytime.  Our staff have produced various video-based studies that can be used individually or in a small group.  They have been created so that all you need is your bible.

Click here to browse our Online Bible Studies.


Being part of a faith-filled community is a wonderful way to be encouraged in your walk to become the man God has purposed you to be.  Click here for more information on events and studies or contact Brad Stirtz


Our women's ministry is committed to helping women to grow spiritually through opportunities that will teach, encourage, equip, and reach out to serve.  Click here for more information on events and studies or contact Katherine Richards