Women's Serving Retreat 2024


Fill up and overflow! Join us for a special time with Sisters-in-Christ as we connect with our Savior and then show His love by serving others. We will dig into Romans 12 as we consider:


·      How to receive God's mercy, goodness, and undeserved grace.

·      How to offer our whole selves to Him and let Him mold us, change us, and reveal His will to us.

·      How to find our place in His body and use our gifts to bless others.


Our time together will include worship, fellowship, teaching from Scripture, and several service projects that impact women locally and globally. 




         Date & Time:

         Saturday, September 28, 2024,

8:30 AM to 3:30 PM



Peace Lutheran Church

21W500 Butterfield Rd.

Lombard, IL 60148



         $35 per person

         Young women (age 12 – 18) - $15 per person

         (Cost includes Saturday lunch and service project materials)


How to Register for the Retreat:
Please fill out the online registration form by clicking this link.

Please make checks payable to Peace Lutheran Church.

Registration fee is due before or upon arrival of the event.

The registration deadline is September 26, 2024.

For more information, contact Katherine Richards.